Luckiest Guy in the World

I know a lot of people say they are the luckiest guy girl or other in the world, but they are… probably right. We are all so lucky. I’ve been homeless and honestly I’ve never known how lucky I am more than when I was homeless. Maybe that isn’t true, because I am like sooooo lucky. I purposefully do not really blog about political issues, and I don’t even want to get into why… maybe some day, if anyone starts reading this lol. And I’ll be honest right now, some of these blogs have been cleaned up with AI but most are just me typing, and quite often my blogs are strictly stream of consciousness. It is pretty easy to tell the difference, because I only use AI to correct my grammar.

I went to catholic school for 10 years and during that time I took a lot of grammar classes. The internet has destroyed my ability to spell, but I still have those grammar teachers in my head telling me not to end sentences in prepositions, not to make run on sentences, nor to use a sentence fragment as a sentence. That doesn’t mean I don’t do it, but I guess it is somewhat out of guilt that I run -some- of my posts through grammar AI. That is all I will ever do during a blog though because the whole point of a blog is to see someones perspective. Maybe I shouldn’t even do that. When reading someones blog, you want to get an idea of who they are, and those little semantic mannerisms and even improper usages are what give writing character. That is not all that gives writing character, but honestly I can see that the way some people speak – or type – is much more relatable to the young generation than me because language evolves and I have been taught fairly archaic grammar at this point, but those rules have been taught for a long time. I can’t help the way I write and even less the way I speak. I do edit myself sometimes and other times I don’t. I don’t know if that violates like the rules of blogging, if that existed, but honestly I do edit some blogs later for different reasons. Anyways I’m not saying I’m the grammar king, something I never would want to be, I’m just going off on a random tangent about my writing.

The point I am trying to make is that I am the luckiest guy in the world. In some respects, I can almost say I am TOO lucky. I live in a country, well the U.S., which for all of it’s faults, is a great place to live because there are plenty of resources and money around so there is plenty of opportunity to create a life for yourself if you want. I have basically every tool I need to do anything I want. I have so many interests, but I have more ability than I have time. My mood and energy levels are very difficult for me to judge from day to day, they can vary wildly. This is not unique to me, but I find that it has always been very difficult for me to develop habits. Well bad habits I am pretty good at, it’s the good habits that I have a hard time building. I’m not going to go into my mental stuff today but suffice it to say is that I have a very hard time with certain things such as keeping a job. I am 40+ and the longest job I have had was in the last 10 years I worked at subway for something like 2 years. It is not that I am lazy or not a hard worker, but I have certain issues and that is part of the reason I am trying to build some side hustles and small businesses to help support myself and my wife into our retirement. I will never work somewhere long enough to develop a proper retirement, and the truth is I can not do 40 hours of the same thing every week, unless it is gardening. I am perfectly fine with working 1 or 2 part time jobs that are different types of work, and then coming home and working on all my home projects.

Like I said, I literally have all the tools I need to do so many things. It’s not like I have a ton of super expensive tools, but with my microscope, a smart phone, a drone, flux welder, basic workshop full of standard tools, and a bunch of other little gadgets, there are so many possibilities. So much so that I have a hard time focusing on one thing. I have the ability to do so much and I get stuck trying to do it all at once. I try to create some kind of content every day, even if not all of it makes it on the website. I am learning every day, and I hope to do so until the day I die.

It is easy to see so much negativity in the world, it is almost impossible to ignore, but there is so much room for hope and opportunity as well. We are certainly at a pivotal point in the history of humanity, and there has never been a time where one person can so easily influence and reach millions of people. This can be used for good or for bad, but the opportunities are there. All we have to do is do the work. We can only control ourselves, so most of the time I do not pay attention to the “news”, and I just focus on what I can change. My garden, my dogs, cats, and most of all my wife. I would be amiss if I failed to mention my wife in a blog with this title. The best day of my life is the day I married her, and she is my ride or die girl. She has the most compassion of anyone I have ever met, and she loves to make art. I love her with all my heart and without her I don’t know where I would be.

My favorite podcast is “The Survival Podcast” with Jack Spirko. I love when he tells stories about his past and his childhood, and one of the things he has said numerous times is that when he was growing up they grew gardens for food, not for a hobby. I am lucky to not have to grow a garden, but I choose to work as hard as I can to develop my soil and basic urban backyard into a sort of food forest, lush with fertility. Soil quality may not have any affect on the price of my home (I dont think), but it is honestly the most important thing to me. I have been working on portions of my soil for about a year now, and have made great strides towards a sea of biology in living, healthy soil. I see a lot of variety of animals, insects and such, even some fungal activity, all which indicate that my ecosystem is heading in the right direction.


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